Our Projects.
As a business we set incredibly high standards for ourselves. We’re immensely proud of the contribution we make to our community, and of the calibre of work we consistently deliver. That work is on display throughout our region, encompassing everything from large government infrastructure initiatives to residential developments and private projects.
KiwiRail Hillside Workshop Demolition Stages 1 & 2

CDHB Diabetes
Building Demolition

Ravenswood Stage 3A
The contract included bulk earthworks, ground improvement, roading, installation of 3 waters infrastructure and further realignment of the Taranaki Stream to develop 50 lots of a 200-lot stage for the residential subdivision. We were contracted to construct Stage 3A as a separate contract from Stages 3B, C & D due to the uncertainty of the property market when the contract was awarded. In the weeks following the award of Stage 3A the property market exploded and all 200 lots were sold within three weeks, putting a lot of pressure on everyone to construct the subdivision as quickly as possible.

Blakes Road Stormwater
The Taggart 3 Waters Team were engaged to undertake the structural components for the new Blakes Road stormwater facility, in Belfast.
The construction consisted of installing large concrete pipework, watermain diversions, weir structures, headwall construction and minor earthworks, whilst providing a functional stormwater system for the surrounding stormwater catchment area.
The project was high profile inasmuch that its construction was intended to protect the adjacent Kaputone Stream from the surrounding land development projects. Taggart installed a Single Floating Decant System, this was to manage the volume of stormwater that was released into the retention basin, the decant system reduced the count of suspended sediments and ensured the works were undertaken in accordance with the consent conditions. Taggart also utilised silt fences adjacent to existing open streams to the contract works with hay bales, and coconut matting installed as secondary measures to manage the unstabilised surfaces which could add to the runoff if disturbed. Weather monitoring also allowed the team to be proactive in the management of the environmental controls and mitigate any issues during the works.
The drainage teams were required to work in with the concurrent earthworks contractor and stage the works around the staging of their works. In addition, the Taggart team were required to coordinate with an external contractor that was engaged to install a 66kv line which crossed the alignment of the Taggart works, thus requiring close attention to programming and methodology management.
The project was completed within the agreed timeframe and budget for the works.